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What is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Auditory Processing Disorder is not a result of any physical disability
Auditory Processing Disorder is not a result of any physical disability

Auditory Processing Disorder ("APD") is a condition in which the brain struggles to interpret auditory information effectively. Although individuals with APD can hear sounds, they have difficulty understanding and processing what they have heard. In short, APD is not a hearing problem, it is a processing problem.

Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to recognise when a child or young person has APD as the symptoms are often subtle and/or attributed to other causes such as dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ("ADHD"). Common difficulties include being easily distracted by background noise (e.g, in a classroom), difficulty recalling the order of sounds in words, an inability to differentiate similar sound and challenges in reading, spelling, and following instructions. This can affect students' academic performance as well as leading to poor communication skills due to processing difficulties. Diagnosing APD can also be complex due to these overlapping symptoms, and tests may include assessing speech, language, and cognition, identifying small changes in sounds and even brain activity measurement using electrodes.

There is no cure for APD, but a variety of strategies exist that can help to manage and mitigate its impact. Happily, early intervention and understanding can significantly improve the quality of life for children with APD. Examples include auditory training (i.e., activities to improve listening and concentration); adaptations to the environment such as reducing background noise (e.g. through the use of carpets and other soft furnishings), using visual aids and repeating/rephrasing instructions. Even simple changes in how you communicate with children and young people with APD, such as speaking face-to-face, not covering your mouth whilst talking and being patient and using clear language, can make a huge diference.

Many children and young people will also need support from professionals such as speech and language therapists ("SALT") who specialise in treating speech, language, and cognitive disorders and audiologists who evaluate and manage hearing-related issues.

If your child or young person has APD or you think they might do, SEND Advocacy can advice and assist you with obtaining the right support for them. If you need someone in your corner to help you secure the education your child or young person deserves, contact us today.


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