Navigating the education system can be like wandering around a maze and the additional challenges of SEND can make the hedges twice as tall and the way out even harder to find. It is frequently frustrating and challenging, but you are not alone. And with SEND Advocacy’s help, you can rest assured that there is someone in your corner.

SEND Advocacy can advise and support you at every stage of your child’s educational journey, from nursery or preschool through to secondary and further education. For parents and carers of children and young people with SEND this process can be especially daunting, but it’s important to know that there is help available, that education doesn’t have to mean school - for some children with SEND Education Otherwise Than At School (EOTAS) can be arranged – and that your child does not need a diagnosis to benefit from SEND advocacy.
Through a combination of extensive knowledge of SEND law, policy and practice and lived experience of the SEND system, SEND Advocacy is uniquely placed to offer informed empathetic support to the families of children and young people who learn differently, enabling them to access and/or progress in their education. We use advocacy to persuasively present the views and perspectives of parents and carers and to stand up for the educational rights of children and young people.
Our expertise enables us to truly understand your child or young person’s needs to present the case for the support they require in the most persuasive way to the relevant decision makers. We can advise and support you with meetings with schools and health and care professionals, such as Annual Review meetings, with appealing the local authority’s decisions, for example the refusals to conduct an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment and more.
Knowledge is not a finite resource and part of SEND Advocacy is extending that knowledge to parents and carers to enable you to be an effective an advocate for your child’s or young person’s legal rights. Information about SEND is frequently misstated or insufficiently explained, making it difficult to understand and apply to your own family’s situation. At SEND Advocacy, we provide honest, accessible advice and signpost to trusted resources, so that you can feel confident that you are making fully informed decisions. The SEND Advocacy website has a large selection of blog posts on all areas of SEND to assist parents and carers to deepen their understanding of SEND law, policy and practice, and building on this the upcoming SEND Advocacy Academy will deliver online training dedicated to providing the knowledge, tools and strategies you as a parent or carer need to navigate the SEND system with confidence. Register your interest here and never miss an update!
SEND Advocacy offers a range of services, each specifically tailored to your child’s needs. Find out more on how SEND Advocacy can help. If you need someone in your corner to help you secure the education your child or young person deserves, contact us today.